Kerala Bank Suvidha Plus Loan Application Form PDF Download

The Kerala Bank Suvidha Plus Loan Application Form is your gateway to realizing your dreams, be it for a home, education, business, or personal needs. Begin by furnishing your personal information, ensuring accuracy for a immediate processing experience. This includes details such as your name, contact information, and residential address.

Kerala Bank Suvidha Plus Loan Application Form

Specify the type of loan you are seeking, whether it’s a housing loan, education loan, business loan, or any other purpose. The bank fulfil your all unique requirements and financial goals. Completing the Kerala Bank Suvidha Plus Loan Application Form brings you one step closer to turning your imagination into reality. Let start with this form be the bridge to your financial success.

Kerala Bank Suvidha Plus Loan Application Form – Details

  • Name of Enterprise/Beneficiary
  • Constitution: – Individual/Prop. Concern/Others
  • Nature of facility required :-Term Loan/Working Capital
  • Registration No
  • GST Registration No
  • Details of Income & Expenditure
    a) Salary
    b) Property
    c) Business/Profession
    d) Others
    e) Gross Income
    f) Expenses
    g) Net Income (e-f)
  • Details of the proposed activity for which loan is availed
  • Details of Bus (For Bus Owner’s Loan Scheme)
    a) Present Route
    b) Daily collection
    c) Number of employees
    Details of Vehicle/Bus (For Vehicle Finance)
    a) Vehicle category & Type
    b) Manufacturer & Year
    c) Vehicle model
    d) Supplier
    e) Cost of vehicle
    f) Cost of insurance
    g) Cost of accessories
    h) Road tax
    i) Others
    j) Total Cost (e+f+g+h+i)
    k) Booking Advance already paid
    l) Margin
    m) Loan amount
  • Comments of Branch Manager regarding the purpose of loan
  • Signature of Applicant
  • Signature of Branch Manager

Download the Kerela Bank Suvidha Plus Loan Application Form in PDF Format below.
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