Explore the online list of 118 chemical elements along with their respective atomic numbers. You can review the periodic table, which provides details such as element names and symbols. The Chemical Elements List encompasses various categories, including hydrogen and alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, triels, tetrels, pnictogens, chalcogens, halogens, and noble gases.
These chemical elements exhibit properties that demonstrate an approximate periodic dependence on their atomic numbers. To facilitate understanding, we also provide the atomic numbers of each element along with their commonly used abbreviations in the field of chemistry.
Chemical elements serve as the fundamental building blocks of matter, representing pure substances composed of a singular type of atom. Each element is uniquely identified by a symbol, usually a one- or two-letter abbreviation derived from its name. Currently, there are 118 known elements, with the initial 94 occurring naturally on Earth. Elements beyond atomic number 95 are synthetic and have been artificially created in laboratory settings.
The periodic table serves as an organized arrangement of elements, grouping them based on atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. Each element possesses distinct characteristics, including atomic number, atomic mass, electron configuration, and chemical reactivity. Through chemical reactions, elements can combine to form compounds, contributing to the diverse array of substances present in the world around us.
Chemical Elements list 2024
Abbreviation | Chemical Element | Atomic Number |
H | Hydrogen | 1 |
He | Helium | 2 |
Li | Lithium | 3 |
Be | Beryllium | 4 |
B | Boron | 5 |
C | Carbon | 6 |
N | Nitrogen | 7 |
O | Oxygen | 8 |
F | Fluorine | 9 |
Ne | Neon | 10 |
Na | Sodium | 11 |
Mg | Magnesium | 12 |
Al | Aluminium | 13 |
Si | Silicon | 14 |
P | Phosphorus | 15 |
S | Sulfur | 16 |
Cl | Chlorine | 17 |
Ar | Argon | 18 |
K | Potassium | 19 |
Ca | Calcium | 20 |
Sc | Scandium | 21 |
Ti | Titanium | 22 |
V | Vanadium | 23 |
Cr | Chromium | 24 |
Mn | Manganese | 25 |
Fe | Iron | 26 |
Co | Cobalt | 27 |
Ni | Nickel | 28 |
Cu | Copper | 29 |
Zn | Zinc | 30 |
Ga | Gallium | 31 |
Ge | Germanium | 32 |
As | Arsenic | 33 |
Se | Selenium | 34 |
Br | Bromine | 35 |
Kr | Krypton | 36 |
Rb | Rubidium | 37 |
Sr | Strontium | 38 |
Y | Yttrium | 39 |
Zr | Zirconium | 40 |
Nb | Niobium | 41 |
Mo | Molybdenum | 42 |
Tc | Technetium | 43 |
Ru | Ruthenium | 44 |
Rh | Rhodium | 45 |
Pd | Palladium | 46 |
Ag | Silver | 47 |
Cd | Cadmium | 48 |
In | Indium | 49 |
Sn | Tin | 50 |
Sb | Antimony | 51 |
Te | Tellurium | 52 |
I | Iodine | 53 |
Xe | Xenon | 54 |
Cs | Caesium | 55 |
Ba | Barium | 56 |
La | Lanthanum | 57 |
Ce | Cerium | 58 |
Pr | Praseodymium | 59 |
Nd | Neodymium | 60 |
Pm | Promethium | 61 |
Sm | Samarium | 62 |
Eu | Europium | 63 |
Gd | Gadolinium | 64 |
Tb | Terbium | 65 |
Dy | Dysprosium | 66 |
Ho | Holmium | 67 |
Er | Erbium | 68 |
Tm | Thulium | 69 |
Yb | Ytterbium | 70 |
Lu | Lutetium | 71 |
Hf | Hafnium | 72 |
Ta | Tantalum | 73 |
W | Tungsten | 74 |
Re | Rhenium | 75 |
Os | Osmium | 76 |
Ir | Iridium | 77 |
Pt | Platinum | 78 |
Au | Gold | 79 |
Hg | Mercury | 80 |
Tl | Thallium | 81 |
Pb | Lead | 82 |
Bi | Bismuth | 83 |
Po | Polonium | 84 |
At | Astatine | 85 |
Rn | Radon | 86 |
Fr | Francium | 87 |
Ra | Radium | 88 |
Ac | Actinium | 89 |
Th | Thorium | 90 |
Pa | Protactinium | 91 |
U | Uranium | 92 |
Np | Neptunium | 93 |
Pu | Plutonium | 94 |
Am | Americium | 95 |
Cm | Curium | 96 |
Bk | Berkelium | 97 |
Cf | Californium | 98 |
Es | Einsteinium | 99 |
Fm | Fermium | 100 |
Md | Mendelevium | 101 |
No | Nobelium | 102 |
Lr | Lawrencium | 103 |
Rf | Rutherfordium | 104 |
Db | Dubnium | 105 |
Sg | Seaborgium | 106 |
Bh | Bohrium | 107 |
Hs | Hassium | 108 |
Mt | Meitnerium | 109 |
Ds | Durmstadtium | 110 |
Rg | Roentgenium | 111 |
Cn | Copernicium | 112 |
Nh | Nihonium | 113 |
Fl | Flerovium | 114 |
Mc | Moscovium | 115 |
Lv | Livermorium | 116 |
Ts | Tennessine | 117 |
Og | Oganesson | 118 |
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